To keep the library's printer and copiers running smoothly, toner is available for various machines within the I.T. office. You can find the toner on the lower shelf located at the rear of the office. However, we HIGHLY recommend that you submit a ticket if you take toner from the shelf in the I.T. closest to replenish a machine.
When submitting a ticket for toner, please ensure that you include the printer ID found on the printer. This number is typically on the front of the unit and is usually a 5-digit number. This will help us identify which printer requires a toner order.
The box in which the toner was packaged contains instructions for replacing the toner for that specific machine. If you require additional instructions, you can find them in the links below.
Once you've replaced the toner, please recycle the box in which the toner was packaged. You can simply toss the used toner cartridge into a waste bin.
Please note that it is everyone's responsibility to replace toner, and this task is not unique to I.T.